Ambient Portraits

Gallery Positiiv, 2021

Architecture influences the society at large, but it also reflects the sphere of the district, neighbourhood and housing cooperatives. These different communities are characterized by a common understanding of local customs. A strong community works together for the common good.

At the heart of it all is architecture. The interiors of the living spaces form the private and intimate areas for the residents. The exterior of the building hides this micro universe, denying the strangers a look inside – they can only gaze in the general direction.

We do not know what is going on behind the walls of the dwellings, we can only imagine by looking from a distance. The specific location of the different buildings is often insignificant, but by stopping in front of their facades, there is space for imagination.


Väljavaade – 40 aastat tänavafotograafiat Eestis. Peatudes Viljandis.
